Religious Education

In addition to the West Australian Curriculum, the Religious Education Units of Curriculum mandated by the Bishops are also taught.

Teachers of Religious Education must have appropriate Accreditation Status to teach Religion. St John’s Primary School uses the CEWA Religious Education Guidelines in Years PP-6.

Classes from Pre Primary to Year 1 have a 15 minute Religion lesson each day. Year 2 to Year 6 have a 30 minute Religion lesson each day.

Kindergarten & Pre Kindergarten 

In Kindergarten and Pre Kindergarten, Religious Education must be presented to children in a way that is appropriate to their psychological development.

In Kindergarten and Pre-Kindergarten, Religious Education is presented to children through the resource ‘Let the Little Children Come to Me’. Content must be largely sensory as this is the stage these children are at. God should be included in day to day experiences.

God should be included in day to day experiences. Content such as that from a Gospel story is presented with visual aids such as peg people and props. These props are left available for the children to play with and retell the story. Prayer should be presented in a way that is relative to their lives. For example, when the teacher says “Good morning” to the class, there is also someone else the children should say good morning to and that is God through prayer. “Let’s say good morning to God.” Formal and informal prayers are taught throughout the school.

MJR (Making Jesus Real)

Making Jesus Real (MJR) is not a program but a way of life.

MJR is part of our everyday lives and how we greet, treat and speak to each other. MJR supports our Religious Education program as we focus on how we are living like Jesus and appreciating the Spirit of Jesus that we see in everyday life and the people around us. 

Sacramental Programme 

Baptised Catholic children may prepare for and receive the following sacraments on completion of Religious Instruction and the Parish Sacramental Programme:

This is a school supported parish program.


Year 6 and above. Must already have received the sacraments of Penance and Eucharist.


Year 4 and above. Must already have received the sacrament of Penance.


Year 3 and above.


Parents register children for sacramental preparation at the beginning of each school year.

Please contact the parish or school for more information.

Phone: (08) 9341 1124

More information

While special feasts and occasions are not part of the Religious Education units of work they are incorporated into the day at school to ensure they are remembered and treated in an appropriate manner. Where possible these are linked to the Religion Unit or Class theme.

St John’s Primary School