Application for Enrolment

Dear Parent/Guardians 

Thank you for your interest in enrolling your child/children at St John’s Primary School. See below for the relevant documents and information relating to your enrolment.

Our Administration Staff are available to answer any questions relating to this process via email:  or by phone on 9203 3000.

Following receipt of the completed application form, an appointment will be arranged for you and your child/children to meet with the school leadership team, should suitable class vacancies exist.

Copies of the following documents are to be returned with your enrolment form:
  • Child’s Official Birth Certificate 
  • Australian Immunisation Register (AIR)– Information on how to obtain your child’s AIR 
  • Baptism Certificate (If applicable)
  • Visa Documents (if applicable) 
  • If Parent/Guardian born overseas, copy of Passport/Citizenship
  • The Pre-Enrolment Interview Form must be completed and returned when you are invited to meet with me. Please bring any supporting documentation to support the information provided in the Pre-Enrolment Interview Form.

Please note that the completion of the Enrolment Application Form indicates an expression of interest only. It is not a confirmation of enrolment. Notification of the success of your application will be confirmed in writing after the Meet and Greet.

NB: No fee is required to place an application, an Acceptance Fee of $250 will be required to confirm your child’s position once you have been offered a place.

Yours faithfully 
Vel Erskine | Principal

How to obtain your child’s Australian Immunisation Record

  • Phoning the AIR on 1800 653 809
  • Visiting LINK
  • Emailing 
  • Or visiting your local Department of Human Services Centre(Medicare)

You can even access it by smartphone and email it from your phone directly to the school at

You will need your Medicare number to access the records

St John’s Primary School